Christian's Adventure

A place for updates on the travel exploits of Christian

Day 12 – A Castle on the Hill

It’s my last day of vacation!

Song to listen to while reading this post: Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran

After spending the previous day taking in my last sights of London, Rotanak and I left the city to explore the towns of Windsor and Eton

Like all good trips around England, our trip started at Paddington Station where I got to meet Paddington Bear!

A 30 minute train ride later and we pulled into Windsor Station. We immediately made our way Windsor Castle, the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the favorite residence of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

This trip was recommended by a lot of people when they heard that I was traveling to England and it certainly didn’t disapoint.

The iconic round tower in Windsor Castle
The upper ward where the royal family lives
From the back of Windsor overlooking the City
Windsor is near Heathrow so there were a lot of planes flying over.
St. George’s Chapel

I wasn’t able to take any photos within the castle, so you’ll just have to take my words for how incredible the different rooms, dining halls, and chambers were within the Castle. Or you’ll have to start planning your own trip to take it all in because it was truly incredible.

We then walked 100 yards to St George’s Chapel which is within the walls of Windsor Castle and is the final resting place for 10 monarchs of England including Henry the VIII and the late Queen Elizabeth II.

After having seen a lot of churches during my trips, you would think that I’d be tired of them, but this church truly took my breath away. Again, I wasn’t allowed to take any pictures, but you can see from the outside just how pretty it is and the fact that everywhere you look there is an important grave was almost overwhelming.

After touring the Castle we grabbed lunch and then walked around the city. We walked around Eton college as well (not super impressive compared to Oxford) before making our way to catch the train back to London.

Windsor Castle’s Front door (just like normal people no one really uses it)
Long walk from the Castle
The Windsor Lady

That evening Rotanak and I again met up with Rotanak’s friends, this time to go watch a comedy show with 6 stand up comedians. I had never seen a live standup comedy show before so it was a very funny time despite some of the comics more vulgar sense of humor.

All in all it was an incredible day trip from London and an excellent way to spend my last day of traveling. Tomorrow, I will be heading back to the U.S.

I’ll likely have one more post recapping the trip back, gathering some thoughts, and letting people know if this blog will die or if there is a reason to stay subscribed!

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